How is your Monday going? Hope it is nice, quick and easy! And remember- one day closer to next weekend! :)
Over the weekend I met with three of my scrapbooking friends and we did a great challenge. Each of us prepare 4 exactly the same scrap sets containing some papers, flowers, ribbons, cut outs, embellishments, etc to prepare a card and we exchange between each other. Every one of us end up with exactly the same products to make 4 different cards....
And you can only imagine how much fun it was! :)
After 2 hours (and some of us a wee bit more :) ) we came up with 16 totally different cards! It was amazing watching how your imagination can work when you have exact the same materials but different idea and vision! Such a great, creative weekend!
Below you can see one of my card for Mother made during our little challenge! Hope you like it!

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